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God's Prophetic Fire
Pack 10 Conference

June 29th at 8:00AM

We believe God has given us a Prophetic Warning. Something will soon come upon us. It is heading in our direction, but not just in our pathway but literally across Nations as well, therefore we must warn and prepare the people of God. 

Conference Story

Conference Notes
My name is Prophetess Matzy Diggs Co Pastor of Eternity Community Church.
If you will allow me for a moment I want to share with you what I saw, in a Revelation that I believe was given to me through the Holy Spirit. What I saw went from event to event, first I saw a  wave, but it was of tsunami proportion, white and billowing at the top, then I saw sandbags layer out and windows boarded up, I sensed mass destruction, and urgency. I could hear a loud voice saying SOUND THE ALARM, WARN MY PEOPLE. My instructions were “Gather together the people”, for GODS PROPHETIC FIRE PACK 10 Conference. Gather together 10 Speakers from  the north, south, east, and west, with An open invitation to the body of Christ to come together as The Spirit of the Lord imparts his Prophetic words of warning and instructions. As I listened, for clarification and understanding I looked to the Bible for Confirmation. This stood out in my spirit:
Luke 21:25-28““There will be signs (attesting miracles) in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth [there will be] distress and anguish among nations, in perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves, people fainting from fear and expectation of the [dreadful] things coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken. 
Matthew 24:6-7…..”You will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end (of the age).”

2nd Timothy 3:1-5….”But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times (Of great stress and trouble) will come (difficult days that will be hard to bear.)”

You may ask if what I saw was literal , I cannot say. I can only tell you what I saw and what I perceived. I encourage you to try the things of the spirit by the spirit. But just know, We are warned that the lack of knowledge will destroy God’s People, therefore : The Purpose, The Mission, and The Goal, for this Conference is “PREPARATION” Making sure the body of Christ is ready for whatever comes in the days ahead. Just know this, our survival will be based on the truth of God’s Spoken Word. At this Conference You will hear from End Time Messengers  2024 voices. Luke 1:16-17….”to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of righteous (which is to seek and submit to the Will of God) - in order to make ready a people (perfectly) prepared (spiritually and morally) for the Lord.”
The Words that will be spoken are the lights in Goshen, for the people of God. Exodus 10:21-23 AMP….but all the Israelites
had (supernatural) light in their dwellings.” 

Please join Eternity Community Church on June 29 beginning at 8am for Gods Prophetic Pack 10 Conference. Yes it’s all in the title. One day power packed with 10 speakers, sharing a Prophetic word, imparting and empowering the body of Christ under Gods specific directions.  
We will receive instructions concerning our Marriage, Fulfillment of Gods Word, Mental Health and Wellness, Our Children Trained and Prepared and much more, Please mark your calendars, tell everyone you know, change things around in your schedule if you need to, but please don’t miss this Mighty Move, of God. There will be No cost, these speakers are donating their time and gifting,  please come and receive, Everyone is Welcome. God Bless you.

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12550 Independence Pkwy, Frisco, Texas 75035

Phone: 972-542-9556

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©2022 Eternity Community Church

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